Cookie Policy

This policy may reflect similar terms of our base website,
Last updated Feb. 20, 2024
Affective since Feb. 20, 2024

I. What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small file stored on your device that allows us to recognize and remember you. This allows us to remember that you have signed in, accepted notices, and more. It is sent to your browser and stored on your hard drive. When you visit our site, we can view, read, and modify any cookies you have stored on your hard drive that originated from our site. We cannot view cookies that were not saved by us. By interacting with our site, you agree to our use of all cookies. If you would prefer us not to use them, you can view section three, "How to Disable Cookies".

II. What types of cookies do we use?

We use Essential, Analytical, and Advertising cookies.

III. How to disable cookies

Don't want us to use cookies during your visit? We understand. The process is different on each browser, so if our instructions don't work for you, please use a search engine, such as Google, to learn how your browser works. On most browsers, you can click the lock icon in the address bar to display a menu. Select the "Site Permissions" (Or similar) and disable the cookie option. Afterward, please re-load our site to save your settings. Please note that disabling cookies in your browser will prevent you from managing your devices, and logging into your client area account.