Legal Center

Please contact legal[at]tinkertechlab[dot]com with questions


Thank you Testers!
BunnyMan (Via Discord)

Terms of Service

Review our operating terms of service. The linked page will always contain to most up-to-date version of our terms.

Read the Terms 

Privacy Policy

Review our user-facing Privacy Policy. This policy details how we collect, store, and share the information you provide us. The linked page will always contain to most up-to-date version of our privacy policy.

Read the Policy 

Cookie Policy

Our cookie details how (and why) we store session and identifier cookies on your device. The linked page will always contain the most up-to-date version of the cookie policy.

Read the Policy 

Trademark Notice

The TinkerTechLab strives to use the names and Marks of other services in a legal and transparent way. This page details this statement, and how you can suggest a correction.

Read the Notice 

Responsible Disclosure

This policy details the process when locating a vulnerability or severe bug, and the protocols for checking our systems. The linked page will always contain the most up-to-date version of this disclosure.

Read the Disclosure 

Inspiration from Lorik Mehmeti and Temani Afif on Codepen