Privacy Policy

This policy may reflect similar terms of our base website,
Last updated Mar. 27, 2024
Affective since Mar. 29, 2024

The TinkerTechLab (the “Company”) is committed to maintaining robust privacy protections for our users. This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) is designed to help you understand how we collect, use and safeguard the information you provide to us and to assist you in making informed decisions when using our Service.

We try to make this document as readable as possible. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this document, please email privacy[@] Spam and advertising is not permitted at this address.

The document below outlines how we collect, store, and share your information, as well as what rights you have, and how to invoke them. The Site (“Site”) shall be any page or resource that falls under the and domain. The Service (“Service”, “We” or “Us”) shall define any and all services that the Site provides, both within the Site, and externally. You (“You” or “User”) shall be defined as you, the user of our service, or any person or entity that uses your account or provides your information to access the Service. Your user account (“User Account”) shall be defined as an account, containing your information, stored on the Site and Service and accessed by You. Lastly, Third Parties (“Third Party” or “Third Party Provider”) shall be defined as services other then The TinkerTechLab that you may use with your User Account.


The Site may collect “Non-Personal Information”, “Personal Information”, "Associated Information" and "Anonymized Information" when you use our Site and Service.

Non-Personal and Anonymized Information includes information that cannot be used to personally identify you, such as anonymous usage data (Including system logs and the actions you take, logged without relation to You or your User Account), general demographic information, referring and exit pages, as well as platform types, device statistics and information (Including System Color Mode), and other information that is not logged in relation to your User Account.

Associated Information is any information from the non-personal information section above that is stored with relation to your User Account.

Personal Information includes your email address and name, which you submit to us through the registration process and can modify via the profile page. Personal information can also include your general location (City, State, Country) if you choose to provide it. Not all Personal Information is required to be submitted, but information that is submitted must be correct in its entirety. Personal information may also include information that is shared with us by Third Party Providers, such as Google when you use "Login With Google", or Discord when utilizing our Discord integration. The Site does not store identifiable demographic information such as your home address, unless you choose specifically to share it with us.

The TinkerTechLab does not willingly collect information from minors without permission from a parent or legal guardian. If you have reason to believe that a minor is using our services without permission, please contact us at security[@] Refer to our Terms of Service for additional information.

Our advertising partners may collect information from you and your browser. While the Site does not provide such partners with your personal information (Name, email, location) directly, they may use tools to track you throughout our Service, and other third-party sites across the internet. Using our plaid plans, or browser add-ons such as Disconnect, you can manage or block our partners from tracking you. Please refer to our Terms of Service for additional information regarding browser add-ons.

Additionally, the Site provides the option for all Users to request the anonymization of their User Account at any time via the form located in the profile settings page. Note that your information may be held for up to thirty (30) following your request. Requests to view personally-identifiable information (Such as those under California's CPRA or similar legislation) shall be directed to legal[@]


The Site may collect information by utilizing various methods, such as automated, semi-automated, and manual collection of user data.

Manual collection of your information defines information that you explicitly provide us. This can include your name, email, and country. The Site collects information from you manually when you create a User Account, modify Your User Account, and utilize our Services.

Automated collection of your information defines information that the Service automatically gathers for you. This information can include your IP address, basic geo-location data, the URI or website you came from (known as the “referring URL”), the type of browser you use, as well as the device from which you connected to the Service from, the time and date of access, as well as other information that does not personally identify you.

Semi-Automated collection of your information defines information that the Site automatically collects based on an action you explicitly take, for example, signing up for a User Account, or singing into a User Account via a Third Party such as Google (For example, using an offering such as “Login With Google”). The Site may store information based on your encounter with Third Party Authentication Providers (Such as Google), such as your name, email, profile picture (If one is provided), as well as an internal ID and verification status with the Third Party Provider.


The Site may store your information by using a variety of methods, including cookies, session data, and database storage.

Your personal information such as your name and email address are stored securely within our databases. You can modify the information stored by utilizing the web form located on your profile page. Our databases are protected against theft, and the Service will alert you of a breech in accordance with our Terms of Service. Sensitive information, such as your password, are stored securely in the database, and can be change via the web form located in the profile page, or via the "Forgotten Password" utility accessible from the login page.

Your preferences and user sessions are stored via cookies on your device, and a copy may be stored via sessions on our servers. This information includes your preferred color scheme (Light or dark mode), and your current active session. The Service may also use cookies from third parties such as Google, to help keep your user session secure, and to store information about You or your session. Cookies are small text files that are sent to your browser from our servers and are stored on your computer’s hard drive.

Please note that Third Party Services (As discussed below) may also store your information. Please refer to the Third Party Service's Privacy Policy for additional information.

When You use the Service, logs may be generated based on the actions you take. While these logs don't contain Your personal information, they contain a unique key used to identify your account. The Site may create physical copies of these logs, and may store them outside of the primary servers used to run the Service. Your personal information may be continued within backups that are regularly taken from the Service, which may be stored offline, on physical media devices such as external hard drives. Physical copies of information, containing personal information or not, are kept in a secure location. In the unlikely event that the information is removed the Sites control, the Site will notify all affected users as soon as the Site becomes aware of the event.


The Company does not sell, trade, or rent your personal information. While the Site may provide information such as your email address to third parties, the Site never share your data for marketing reasons. For example, we share your email address with vendors who are performing services for the Company, such as for email communication vendors who are provided access to your email address for the sole purposes of sending emails to you. These vendors use your Personal Information only at our discretion and in accordance with their Privacy Policy's. Storage of your information by these third parties shall be done within the scope of the Providers privacy policy.

The Company may use your information to contact you in response to questions and feedback, as well as to provide account support, and to inform you about outages or ongoing maintenance. In addition, the Service may contact you about changes, and requested changes (Such as password resets) to your account.

The Company may share your Personal Information with outside parties if we have a good-faith belief that access, use, preservation or disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary to meet any applicable legal process or enforceable governmental request; to enforce applicable Terms of Service, including investigation of potential violations, security or technical concerns; or to protect against harm to the rights, property, or safety of our users or the public as required or permitted by law.

The Site also log information in order to track trends and analyze use patterns on the Site. This information may be connected to your account, but is only used for private analytical purposes, and is never shared with outside parties. This information helps us understand what features are popular, and which features may need updating. Please see the section, "Information We Collect" for additional information.

The Site may also share information with our partners, including but not limited to Discord, Google, Stripe, and Gravatar to offer you additional features when using our service. The Site provides minimum information to these services in the interest of protecting your privacy. However, we recommend that you read and agree to each of the aforementioned partners' privacy policies before using our services, as your information may be shared with them.

Additionally, the Site will share some of Your information (Including but not limited to your full name and email) with our payment partner, Stripe, when You click on a subscription or donation link while logged into your Account. We recommend You review Stripe's terms of service and privacy policy before entering a page controlled by them.

In the event the Service undergoes a business transaction such as a merger, acquisition by another company, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, your Personal Information may be among the assets transferred. You acknowledge and consent that such transfers may occur and are permitted by this Privacy Policy, and that any acquirer of our assets may continue to process your Personal Information as set forth in this Privacy Policy. If our information practices change at any time in the future, the Site will post the policy changes to the Site so that you may opt out of the new information practices. We suggest that you check the Site periodically if you are concerned about how your information is used.


The Site implements security measures designed to protect your information from unauthorized access. Your account is protected by your password, and we urge you to take steps to keep your personal information safe by not disclosing your password, and by logging out of your account after each use. For your protection, the Site also offers two factor authentication for additional account security.

Physical copies of your information (Such as those stored on offline hard drives) are stored in a secure location, and may be stored in an encrypted format. See section three (3) for additional information.

The Site also protects Your information from potential security breaches by implementing certain technological security measures including encryption, firewalls and Transport Layer Security (TLS) technology. However, these measures do not guarantee that your information will not be accessed, disclosed, altered or destroyed by breach of such firewalls and secure server software. By using our Service, You acknowledge that you understand and agree to assume these risks.


You have the right at any time to prevent the Site and Service from contacting you for select purposes. You can opt out of email alerts and notifications by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in each e-mail. You can also indicate that you do not wish to receive select communications from us via your profile settings page. Please note that preferences You indicate by either unsubscribing or opting out of select communications from the Site, the Site may continue to send you administrative emails including periodic updates to our Privacy Policy, and password reset requests. If You wish for the Site to cease all communication, request the deletion of Your User Account.

You also have the right to request the anonymization of your information at any time by utilizing the web form in your profile settings.


The Site may provide links to external websites or applications. However, the Site are not responsible for the privacy practices employed by those websites or the information or content they contain. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by the Site and Service. Therefore, this Privacy Policy does not apply to your use of a third party website accessed by selecting a link on the Site or via the Service. To the extent that you access or use the Service through or on another website or application, then the privacy policy of that other website or application will apply to your access or use of that site or application. We encourage our users to read the privacy statements of other websites before proceeding to utilize them.


The Company reserves the right to change our policies, including this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service at any time. The Site will notify you of significant changes to our Privacy Policy by placing a prominent notice on our site. The Site may chose to send an electronic notice, but is not required to. Significant changes will go into effect 10 to 20 days following such notification. Non-material changes or clarifications will take effect immediately, or within FIVE (5) days. You should periodically check our website for updates to this, and our other policies.


If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us by sending an email to privacy[@]