Upgrade Your Account

Basic Pricing

Yup, we're that weird company that promotes the free plan above everything else.
That's because we did not build this platform for profit, but rather as a passion project to make controlling your favorite GOVEE devices super easy!

Scroll down to compare our plans!

You are not logged into your TTLxGOVEE account. To subscribe to a paid plan, LOGIN TO YOUR ACCOUNT, then return to this page



Or $50 USD when you pay yearly
Includes email support

Best plan ever


(forever and ever)



Or $100 USD when you pay yearly
Includes email support

Pricing Comparison

Free Plan Pro Plan Premium Plan
Integrations: Recommended
Works for 99% of users
For those that need
higher limits
Created for those that
just can't get enough
iOS Client
Discord Client
No Support for:
- Room Control
- All device control

No Support for:
- All device control
Time-Based Control
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly

All in Free, plus:
- Hourly

All in Pro, plus:
- Hour Fractions
Power Control
Color Selection
DIY/Scene Selection
Mode Operations
Send Email
Send SMS
Support Options:
Discord Support
Email Support
Rate Limits:
Linked API Keys 1 GOVEE API Key 2 GOVEE API Keys 3 GOVEE API Keys
Max Automations 10 20 Unlimited
Max Actions
Actions are groupings of
events used in Automations
5 10 Unlimited
Max Events
(Per Automation / Action)
3 / 5 15 / 15 20 / 20
Request Rate Limits Normal Increased Super High
Monthly Subscription
Prices in USD
$0 $5 $10
Yearly Subscription
Prices in USD
$0 $50
Save $10
Save $20

Ready for a paid plan? Create a free account then upgrade in your Settings Page. Payments are managed though our trusted payment partner, Stripe.

Paid Subscriptions FAQ

Here at TTLxGOVEE, we have a mission to help you control your GOVEE devices in the best (And easiest!) way possible. We did not create this platform to make profit, in fact, we don't. All revenue from Advertisements, Sponsorships, Affiliates, and Subscriptions goes right back into the service in order to make it better!

We use our revenue to pay server fees, electrical fees, and various other service fees (Like out domain name, email sending, and more). Any extra revenue goes towards buying more GOVEE devices in order to support more API endpoints, and expanding the number of things that you can control on the service.

Will you ever lower your prices? We hope so! Because we don't intend to make profit on this service, the more people that subscribe to a paid plan, the cheaper they get! Not only will we lower prices for new customers, but existing users will also experience the discounted price!

Do you offer a free trial? Not at this time. We believe that our paid plan offerings are quite clear (And in almost all cases, you can use related tools on the free plan, so you already know what to expect if you upgrade!)

Do you offer refunds? Generally, no. If you believe that one of our plans has not met your exceptions, please contact us, and we'll do our best to make it right. If a refund is offered, you'll only be refunded the amount corresponding to unused time (For example, if we refund you halfway though the month, you'll receive 50% of your monthly payment back).