Trademark Notice

Last updated Mar. 27, 2024

I. Introduction

The TinkerTechLab uses the names and Marks of other services to help describe our offerings, and connection between the TinkerTechLab and other brands. This article describes our good-faith effort to use the names and Marks of other services in a clear, informative, and legal way. "Marks" shall be defined as any Trademarked visual indicator of a brand (One such example being the "TTL" logo).

II. Brands

We may utilize the name(s) and Mark(s) of the following brands listed below throughout the domain (Henceforth known as the "Domain"). This list (Henceforth known as the "Companies") may not be complete, but we try out best to keep it up to date.

III. Using Copyrighted and Trademarked content

The TinkerTechLab recognizes the names and Marks of the aforementioned companies as legal Copyrighted and/or Trademarked Content, and we strive to use such content only as allowed by the Companies and the law. The TinkerTechLab is governed by the laws of the United States of America. The TinkerTechLab uses the name and Marks of Companies under Nominative Use, as described below:

IV. Reporting a Violation

For Users: If you believe, in good faith, that a page or graphic created by the TinkerTechLab violates the above policy, please inform our legal team at legal[AT]tinkertechlab[DOT]com.
For Brands: If you have legal authority to discuss the placement of your Companies name or Mark, contact us at legal[AT]tinkertechlab[DOT]com with questions, comments, or concerns regarding our usage of your name of Mark. Please allow our team four (4) business days to respond before taking other action.